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Monday, February 13, 2012

Personal pitfalls of Social Media

I was recently accused of being uncaring because I didn't publicly announce my grief over a friend who had passed away. It seems as if the  speed in which you FB or TW or WHATEVER your most personal feelings is the tape with which your humanity is currently measured.
I don't like it.
Grief is personal, not public. Unless, of course you choose to grieve publicly. If you do... that is fine. If you don't... it doesn't make you any less sad or any less a friend to those who have passed nor to those they have left behind.
I'm just sayin'.


  1. All I can say is a big old AMEN to that!

  2. Well, said John. Grieving doesn't make you any less a person whether you grieve publicly or not.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Very true. The depth of grief depends on the indivivual. How close you were at the time of death plays a big part. I have grieved over friends I've only known a short period of time, yet others I'd known what seemed like forever not so much.
